CAT Math Practice: Percent's Questions


P is x% more than Q. Q is (x - 10)% less than R. If P > R, what is the range of values x can take?

  1. 10% to 28%
  2. 10% to 25%
  3. 10% to 37%
  4. 10% to 43%

Explanatory Answer

P = Q1 + x/100

Q = R1 - x-10/100

R = Q/(1 - x-10/100)

P > R

Q1 + x/100 > Q/(1 - x-10/100)

1 +(x/100) > 1/(100-x+10/100)

(100+x)/100 > 100/(110-x)

(100 + x) (110 – x) > 100 x 100
11,000 + 110x – 100x – x2 > 10000
1000 + 10x – x2 > 0
x2 – 10x – 1000 < 0
x2 – 10x + 25 < 1000 + 25
(x – 5)2 < 1025
x – 5 < 32
x < 37
x could range from 10% to 37%

Answer Choice (C)

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