Purchase 2IIM's Study Material
What do I get exactly ??
- 10 Printed Books covering the entire CAT syllabus
- 2IIM's 10 Test, Mock CAT series
Module - II
- Full Access: 6 Online Mock CATs
- Full Access: 8 Online Previous Year CATs
- 1,600/-
- Phone: +91 99626 48484!
Course Contents
Why 2IIM's Mock CATs ?
Our Mocks are Robust in every possible way. Here's why...
2IIM's fundamental philosophy behind a well-rounded preparation is to have strong fundamentals. Rajesh Balasubramanian, the Director at 2IIM, has prepared all the content in the material from the basics. With a focus on communicating the key ideas in any topic, 2IIM's Study Material gives numerous solved examples and plenty of practice questions to reinforce the fundamentals.
We update our study material to reflect the changing demands of the latest editions of the CAT. The same cannot be said about other rival providers. An outdated material presents several problems - One, by perpetuating question patterns like syllogisms, which have not been seen in the CAT for a long time. Two - Other providers don't make a distinction between CAT Level Questions, and normal practice questions.
Between 2IIM's Question Bank, Study Material and Mock CAT Series, we can assure you that you won't need any other book for preparing for the CAT. Well with a Study material having 900+ questions, coupled with 10 mocks and a Free Question Bank containing questions that runs into high thousands, do you need more?
With the attention we pay to the course structure, communicating fundamentals and explanations, we believe 2IIM offers the best Study Material for the CAT. Our practice materials are structured in a step-by-step manner. So, we worry about the relevance and position of each question that goes into our books. Before you know it we can make you imbibe the content without much sweat. All you need to do is just hang in there and travel with the flow.
2IIM's fundamental philosophy behind a well-rounded preparation is to have strong fundamentals. Rajesh Balasubramanian, the Director at 2IIM, has prepared all the content in the material from the basics. With a focus on communicating the key ideas in any topic, 2IIM's Study Material gives numerous solved examples and plenty of practice questions to reinforce the fundamentals.
We update our study material to reflect the changing demands of the latest editions of the CAT. The same cannot be said about other rival providers. An outdated material presents several problems - One, by perpetuating question patterns like syllogisms, which have not been seen in the CAT for a long time. Two - Other providers don't make a distinction between CAT Level Questions, and normal practice questions.
Between 2IIM's Question Bank, Study Material and Mock CAT Series, we can assure you that you won't need any other book for preparing for the CAT. Well with a Study material having 900+ questions, coupled with 10 mocks and a Free Question Bank containing questions that runs into high thousands, do you need more?
With the attention we pay to the course structure, communicating fundamentals and explanations, we believe 2IIM offers the best Study Material for the CAT. Our practice materials are structured in a step-by-step manner. So, we worry about the relevance and position of each question that goes into our books. Before you know it we can make you imbibe the content without much sweat. All you need to do is just hang in there and travel with the flow.