CAT Math Practice: Geometric Progressions


Second term of a GP is 1000 and the common ratio is where n is a natural number. Pn is the product of n terms of this GP. P6 > P5 and P6 > P7, what is the sum of all possible values of n?

  1. 5
  2. 9
  3. 8
  4. 11

Explanatory Answer

Common ratio is positive, and one of the terms is positive => All terms are positive

P6 = P5 * t6 => If P6 > P5, t6 > 1

P7 = P6 * t7 => If P6 > P7, t7 < 1

t6 = t2 * r4 = 1000r4;

t7 = t2 * r5 = 1000r5

1000r4 > 1 and 1000r5 < 1

 < 1000 and  > 1000

1/r = n

n4 < 1000 and n5 > 1000, where n is a natural number

n4 < 1000 => n < 6

n5 > 1000 => n ≥ 4

n could be 4 or 5. Sum of possible values = 9

Answer Choice (B)

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